Alder: The subtle smoke wood suitable for a wide range of food smoking.
We grow our own alder coppice here in Lancashire for making sustainably sourced logs and wood chunks for use in BBQ’s, Smoke Pits and wood fired pizza ovens.
We can supply in any quantities to suit your needs and this can be freshly cut (with notice) or fully seasoned (the alder logs and chunks will have been air dried for at least 12 months).
Historically, alder is the traditional smoking wood is still commonly used with for hot smoking fish (perfect for Salmon and Trout), but also works well with beef and pork. It has a light, slightly sweet flavour and is not overpowering. Alder produces a less dense smoke than cherry or oak and is the chefs wood of choice when looking to create a delicate smoky flavour with a hint of sweetness.
Alder can be supplied in:

Logs (and split logs) cut to approx 10″ length to suit most offset smoker fireboxes but, with enough notice, can be supplied in any length. Alder is often used as the cooking heat source as well as generating smoke alleviating the need for charcoal. £1.50/kg
Wood Chunks sawn and split to size ready to sit on top of charcoal to impart smoke for a given period of time during the cook. £2.50/kg
Branch Chunks can be used as the heat source for a true wood smoke experience on a barbeque or in a wood fired pizza oven. Burning fast and hot they are very easy to keep ‘topped up’ to meet the demand. £1.50/kg

Collect from 39 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire, PR4 6RR. Please ring 07834 324080 (office hours please) for appointments